Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I know, I KNOW!!

It's been forever, I'm an awful blogger... I'm so sorry!! The problem has been, mostly, that I haven't been able to grab a computer. My husband is taking online classes, and I have a teenage daughter now. But, my husband purchased a laptop for be this weekend, and... lo and behold. I can blog again.

The whole fire thing has finally been resolved. We're settled back in, with very little left to replace. It's been such a pain. I had no idea how long it would take to get a simple insurance settlement, but I am so grateful to God that we had this.

Things with Tinkerbell are still fantastic. I can't believe how well she's assimilated into our family. We are so blessed to have her.

Of course, we aren't stopping here. We are still praying for another placement. We would appreciate any prayers that you might say for us, that our next placement will be one that will fit with our family. It is also possible that the next placement may be the one that allows me to be the stay-at-home mom that I've always wanted to be. I hope so.

Anyway, I'll post again soon.... I promise.