Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I know I haven't finished the JP story yet, but today I feel compelled to thank my amazing Father God. As many blessings that He has poured over us this last couple of months, it's also been bery trying. Dealing with Indie has been a gigantic challenge. For one, she's two. Two year old's are difficult under the best circumstances, and hers is hardly that. I pray for patience and strength all the time. He is so faithful though, and she is improving nearly every single day.

After they'd been here a couple of weeks, I was still trying to maintain a piece of that "they're leaving in a couple of weeks" distance. JP and I had just gone to bed, and we were chatting a bit, as we are known to do. I told him, " I just don't think they are ours, honey." And all of the sudden, I was off and running. Indie was crying. I'd get her settled and she'd cry again. And then Sassy would start. This whole scenario ran for about an hour and half. During this whole deal of soothing and settling, mostly for Indie, I felt that tug. I can't explain it, but I knew that He was trying to tell me something. Finally, I settled Indie down in bed with me, because she just couldn't sleep. I finally managed to give up that piece I'd been holding back. I think He was telling me that I was wrong. They are ours.

So, today, I am thankful for my God who is fulfilling his promises, even as we speak.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Blessings Abound

Hey there bloggy land!! I've missed you all. I have just been soooo busy for my two newest babies... you know, the ones that we were only supposed to have for 6-8 weeks? Well, we just passed the two month mark, and it looks like a miracle of God sized proportions has occurred!!

We may just get to keep them!!

The girls were supposed to go to a relative placement, but that's probably not going to happen. We aren't sure what will happen from here, but His works are amazing, and I can't wait to sit back and watch.

Just several weeks ago, I was talking to a friend about how funny it was that we started this whole foster care thing for a chance to adopt, and we end up with three unadoptable kids. Ha. Ha ha. My God loves long odds. Within a couple of weeks, we go from three unadoptable kids to one kid in the process of being adopted!!! Our beautiful, wonderful Tinkerbell. I am so excited to share her with you guys. The very same worker that I was complaining about a couple of months ago is trying his hardest to get this adoption to go through. So far, it is going very well. I desperately hope I have concrete news to share soon.

So, the two new little ones have court on August 4th. This should be a non-issue. After that, it looks like they are going to try for TPR. Oh could it be that all three of my unadoptable babies will be all mine?

I humbly ask that you pray for all three of these girls, particularly "Indie". These babies have been through Hell, and are still trying to work their way out. Both are making tremendous strides. Sassy is a happy, joyful, normal baby these days. She's gained several pounds and is learning to talk. Indie is doing so much better, but there's still a long road ahead.

Thanks again, and I love you all!
