Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A miracle?

Two days in a row! Woohoo!

It's been a rough set of months, as we've mourned the absence of Indie and Sassy. Here, I am willing to admit that I've grown distant from God-- depressed, really, and weathering my days without much enthusiasm. Added to this has been the search for a new church, which really broke my heart. It took us well over a year to get settled in a new one, and that only occurred a couple of months ago. Even still, I feel like we are all battle-scarred by the process, just now looking for ways to invest ourselves in our new one. I"m very optimistic about the prospect, and I respect the pastor. If only I could be more like Mia Tiffany, who is already volunteering with the kids, where she excels. I miss doing high school ministry-- I know that we are called to it, and we are praying about how best to pick it back up.

In other news that I forgot to mention yesterday, JP finished his last college class! He will be walking in May, but is still all finished. I'm so proud of him! It's also really nice to have my honey back. Speaking of which, he has also started a business, which God very specifically called him to. It's slow starting, but all in God's timing.

Today, I find myself pondering our path again, which I do fairly often. I'm starting to see a foster care finish line down the road, and I wonder if 2011 will be our last year. I'm beginning to feel a pull toward a path that is familiar, but yet untraveled for our family. Lots of thinking and praying on that subject yet to come.

Monday, December 27, 2010

New Year's Resolution?

Ha! Maybe this year will be the year that I will be devoted to the blog. Sometimes I think the reason I don't like to write here is that I don't like reliving my days, as some tend to be fairly hellish. All in all, though, my days are much better than they were last year, when Indie and Sassy still were here. Beautiful news for them... they have finally been adopted! God worked such an amazing miracle in their lives. I miss them much more than I thought possible. We do get to see them occasionally. We saw them last on Indie's birthday, and I hope to see them in early January. I"ll ask their mom if she'll allow me to post pictures, but I'll understand completely if she chooses to guard their privacy.

The new adoption is going snail-slow, but pre-placement visits are still in progress. You might have guessed by now, but we are adopting Randy, a 13-year-old boy that we've done respite for in the past. It'll be a long road with him, and he may still choose to back out. The foster home that he is in now is wonderful, and he has serious apprehensions about leaving it. I hope that he chooses permanency, truly.

Pixie, Sissy, and Georgia are well settled and fitting in so well here. Beautiful little Pixie is a complicated mess, and I just continue to hope that she is improving. Sometimes in the midst of all this, it's hard to see progress since I'm constantly fighting the war. Many remarked on Indie and Sassy's marked improvement, but I never really saw or recognized it for myself. Sissy is a special little girl, with several health problems. She was actually supposed to have surgery today, but it had to be post-poned due to our snowy weather. She is making fantastic progress, both physically and educationally. Georgia is making improvements. This situation is so much harder for her than for the others. I pray for peace for her, as this seems to rapidly be going the way of TPR. Could we have 4 adoptions in 2011?

Jonathan and Juli are still thriving. Just as Georgia and Juli are the best of friends, Jonathan and Sissy are big buddies, which is so funny that my two "eccentric" kids have bonded. I actually think that having Sissy around has caused Jonathan to not want a brother anymore, which might be too bad since he'll be getting one anyway. Juli is in heaven with all these girls to play with. Such easy, amazing children they are!

I never have any trouble seeing the improvement in Mia Tiffany. She is doing extremely well in her new school. She has good friends, and a great boyfriend, and she has plans for the future. She has yet to have that teenage attitude, and she remains a constant help, and she is forever a sounding board and a bright spot in my life. I am so blessed with these 3 children of mine.

I'm going to try my best to keep you updated!