Sunday, December 21, 2008

Tagged: My Honey

*What is your husband's name? John, aka JP
*How long have you guys been married? 9 years, 2 months
*How long did you date? About 10 months or so.
*How old is he? He's hanging on to his twenties by his fingernails (he'll be thirty in January)
*Who is taller? He is by about 5 inches... just the perfect height.
*Who can sing the best? Hm.. He actually sings pretty well, to my surprise. I still sing better though:)
*Who is smarter? Not to borrow Amber's answer, but it does very much depend on the subject at hand. I'd say we're pretty evenly matched (just don't ask me about electronics, and don't ask him about english lit.. or shopping)
*Who pays the bills? We both make the money, I mostly pay the bills. He sometimes plays gofer, but I'm the coordinator.
*Who does the laundry? Mostly me, but he likes playing with the new washer and dryer. It's all technologically advanced and stuff.
*Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If you were looking at us sleeping (which is highly unlikely), I'd be on the left and he'd be on the right.
*Who mows the lawn? John. Bless his wonderful heart!
*Who cooks dinner? We have a running joke that he cooks and I compile.
*Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? John never admits he is wrong, even when he admits he is wrong :)
*Who kissed who first? I think he finally took the hint and made the move.... finally.
*Who wears the pants? Well, literally, we all wear pants. Not necessarily "the" pants, as Tinkerbells pants would look funny on everybody else.

1 comment:

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

So fun! I just love that picture of you guys. What kind of washer and dryer did you get? I don't know what I'd do without the ones Jon got me when we refinanced. They are awesome and with six people in the house, one being a baby...they get a lot of use!