Friday, November 13, 2009

A New Name...

Some of you may have noted that I have *finally* changed the name of my blog. I'd been meaning to do it for forever... you know, like a year or more... and just hadn't come up with anything unique. I felt like I needed something to display that we weren't really the average, ordinary family... and I'm certainly not the stereotypical mom. June Cleaver I am not!! I'm more comfortable at a christian rock concert than at a PTA meeting (I do go, but I don't have to like it, ok?). I'm quirky at best, and downright strange at worst. So, I needed a quirky, strange-ish, yet meaningful name for my little corner of cyberspace.

I love adoption. I love my God, and I love my family. That's what this blog is mostly about. For some reason I started to think about the "I AM" statements in the book of John (I am the way, the truth, and the life, etc.), and while looking at my lovely background, the statement "I am the true vine" came to mind. I started thinking about how God takes us -- these brown, withered up, dying vines, and he grafts us in to the living vine of Christ... which is kind of a metaphor for adoption. We join his vine; we join his family. And so, I want to be a little model of this grafted vine. I want to take these little struggling plants, and graft them into our family, just as we have been grafted into His. And so, you are now at "The Grafted Vine"... the Paul family blog. It's quirky! It's probably even strange... but it means something, at least to us.

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