Friday, August 29, 2008

Holding Pattern

It seems like everybody is in a holding pattern lately. We're still waiting for foster care, and Amber and her family are still waiting for little Jackson to arrive. In the meantime, Juli started school, and Jonathan lost a tooth!

Here's Juli on her first day of school!

Juli has been wanting to play with these dinosaurs ever since she saw them at Jonathan's pre-K open house almost two years ago. Isn't it beautiful to see a dream realized?

My Country Bumpkin :)

My babies are all growing up!

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hello all! We're still waiting for a placement... still. In the meantime, we've been busy enjoying our last days of summer vacation and the first days of school. Uncle Harry and Aunt Bailey sent the kids a back-to-school present, and they were so excited. Yesterday, Jonathan started to school, and Juli had her pre-school interview. Her first day is next Wednesday. That's pretty much all that's going on. Here are some pics of the kids with their back-to-school presents.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Random Juli, Vol.2

When we got home this evening, the following conversation took place:

Juli: Look mommy, I have a scratch! (pulls down her shorts to show a red place on her hip)

Me: Oh, poor baby, what happened?

Juli: It's a timple!!

Me: A timple??? You mean a pimple?

Juli: No mommy, we don't say that.

Me: What, pimple? It's okay to say pimple... see... pimple, pimple.

Juli: No mommy, let's call it... uuuuh.... uuuummm.... Mr....... Timpleton. Yeah, Mr. Timpleton.

Me: Mr. Timpleton the Pimple?

Juli: Yeah!!!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

One of Those Days

I guess it's just one of those days. I just feel like the stress and the minutiae of life is smothering me right now. I know that this is a temporary feeling, probably brought on by hormones and a string of irritating events, but I just feel *down*. We're still waiting on foster care, meanwhile, things at work are getting worse by the day. My kids start back to school soon, and I was so hoping to steal some time with them before it started. I dropped food on my shirt. Maybe I should go to sleep and start again...

Friday, August 8, 2008

... waiting... waiting.... forever waiting

Hello Everyone!

Sorry that it's been awhile since my last post, but things have been crazy here. I gave Amber a baby shower last weekend, which went really well if I do say so myself (check out Amber's blog for pics!). I baked 2 bathtub cakes in 4 days time! We also had some out-of-town visitors for the weekend... Harry and Bailey! They came in for Amber's shower. They were so much help... thanks you guys!!!!

On the foster care front, we have good news!! Our background checks came back last week, and we are officially, again, certified foster parents. Now we're just back to waiting for a placement. Oddly, it doesn't seem like so much of a pins-and-needles kind of wait anymore, what with all of the hurdles we've jumped and the time that it has taken. So, all of you in cyberland, thank you so much for all of the prayers. And, please pray for us some more!
That's all for now, but we're still waiting on "THE" phonecall, and I'll let you know when it happens. Here are some pics of our recent escapades:

The First Duckie Cake

Here are the kids hanging out at John's parent's pool

Here's a picture that did not go *quite* as planned

Here's my baby... snuggled up with his wittle beaw!

And... finally.... my budding actor: