Saturday, October 24, 2009

OK, so I had a little party

Ok, ok... sorry folks. I had a pity party. I was feeling sorry for myself because I will loose these kids soon. The truth of the matter is that I've met the relatives that the girls will be going home to, and they are perfectly lovely people. Their aunt truly, truly loves these girls. And I know that if God would have asked me back in May , "Hey Sabrina. I'm going to send you these two little babies that are living in absolute misery right now. Ummm... there's a couple of problems. For one, the oldest one will drive you to the mental breaking point. The other, is that they will end up breaking your heart. You'll have them for a long while... six months or more. But you are just supposed to help them until their family is ready to have them back. Will you do this for me?"

I would do it for them alone, but I'd do it a thousand times over for Him!

Right now I'm watching my three little foster babies all cuddled together, watching Barney, happy as little clams. My job is to love them like crazy until they go home, and to show them some Jesus along the way. I know they are in His hands, and their situation is in His control, and THAT is the best possible place for them to be! He loves them infinitely more than I do or ever could. And how I thank God for the one who is nearly mine! His plan is so perfect that he knew she was coming even though I never would have seen it this way.

We have more kids out there somewhere too. I pray that God will lead us to find them, all in His time.


Diane said...

It hurts, and then it hurts more, but I have learned, as a foster parent for the last 15 years, that He knows better than us. Even when it seems like it is not the ideal situation and you are sure that keeping the kids where they are would be best for all, He has different plans. Sometimes it's because where they are going really is best. Sometimes it's because your door needs to be open for a new one (or two) who needs you more.

James 1:27 Family said...

We've been there and it's not easy. In fact, it's really hard. But God is faithful to heal our hearts. Bless you and your family for serving God's children!

In Jesus,

Sabrina said...

Thank you, ladies, for the encouragement. I needed it, particularly today when the little ones where all grumpy and grouchy and I was ready to throw in the towel! God bless you guys!