Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Big Thankful Thursday!!

There's just so much to be thankful for!! I'm now, officially, a stay-at-home mom. Hooray! I'm still not used to the idea. It's amazing how weird it feels, after that's all I've wanted for forever. So, first of all, I'm thankful for early retirement :)

Most of all... I'm so incredibly thankful and blessed to have my Tinkerbell. She is my friend, my fellow housekeeper/babysitter, incredible big sister, and amazing daughter. How blessed are we to have her? My cup overflows. She's watching all four kids right now (and did I mention she's incredibly brave?).

For Jonathan and Juli... for having open hearts for new brothers and sisters.

And, finally, for our two new little ones. They've been with us a week today, and it's been pretty wild. Suffice it to say that they've had it rough for quite a while, but we are making progress. The oldest is 2 1/2. She is completely Miss Independent, so for here we'll call her Indie. She has really bonded with all the ladies of the family. Still working on JP and poor little outnumbered Jonathan. The little one is a very complex little creature. Sassy she is, so Sassy we'll call her. She can be vulnerable, sweet and funny, or just downright mad. I fear her fiery orange hair may indicate an infamous Irish temper. Yikes!

And so, God has fulfilled his promise, and ultimate thanks be to him!


The Writer Resource Pit: said...

I wish you the best as you care for your little ones. I believe that being a stay-at-home mom is very rewarding.

Stay encouraged!

The Resource Writer

Amber (EyesofAmber) said...

You are certainly blessed. Your little girls are just dolls, and of course we love Tinkerbell and Jonathan and Juli. I hope we can all be well enough to actually get together this week!
Love you guys.

Sabrina said...

Thanks for the encouragement, everybody. We are doing a little better every day.